specialists have written many interesting and informative articles.
We've placed a few here for you to peruse.
What Is There Was A Cure For Alzheimer's Disease And No One Knew? - A Case Study By Dr. Mary Newport 
Complete FBI 2
Taubes Intro and Top 10
Taubes Newsweek
Video: Sugar The Bitter Truth. Dr. Lusting 
Fallon Presentation April 2012 
Alzheimers Disease Dr. Mary Newport 
Attia Carbs and Cancer 
Craft IR and Pathological Brain Againg 2011 
Diet Obesity and Cancer 
Ge Li - Statin and Alzheimer's 
Goodwin - Insulin Breast Cancer 
Haddock Short Version 
Ketogenic Agent and Alzheimer's 2009.pdf 
Metformin - ODG 
Nash Lipids 
Ovarian Cancer Findings Support Metformin 
Science Obesity-Cancer Connection
Science 2012 Taubes
Taubes Chapter 13
The Ketogenic Diet and Peter Attia's War on Insulin A Sweet Life
Thomas Jefferson University Cancer
Type 2, Dyslipiemia Alzheimers JAD
IR Handouts
AAOS Endorsed Guideline - Interventional therapies, surgery, and interdisciplinary rehabilitation for low back pain
AAOS Endorsed Guideline - Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain
ACOEM Practice Guidelines - low back
Oswestry Disability Questionnaire Rev 0911 KJ
A Knife in the Back
Alf Nachemson Spine Interview
Atherosclerosis Its Cause and Its Prevention
Top Ten (page1)
Top Ten (page2)
Doctors More: Use of Musculoskeletal Specialists and Increased Physician
Pay to Decrease Worker' Compensation Costs. Journal of Occupational
Health and Environmental Medicine, Volume 43, number 8, August 2001.
Tunnel Syndrome: Is It Work-Related? Hospital Practice, March
15, 1999.
Specialty Health Case Management
Presentation, Washington DC Ergonomics Forum, E. James Greenwald,
M.D., July 16, 2001.
Sciatica, Back Pain,
Ruptured Disc. A novel, non-invasive, treatment method designed
to quickly reduce the pain and disability of sciatica and reduce
lost work time., Steven G. Atcheson, M.D.
Sonocur for Treatment
of Chronic Tendinitis and Other Related Disorders. A review
of the medical literature for efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness.,
Steven G. Atcheson, M.D.

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